May, 14 1994

 I have never seen such chaos happen before my eyes. I try to think of it as just one of those bad dreams but it is not. Everything is real and happening here and now. Ever since  King Habyarimana died the Tutsi were left helpless. You see your fellow neighbours and friends on the dusty road. Laying there helpless while flies hover around at their wounds. Who can even imagine killing all those innocent people? I have tried to imagine myself as a Hutu. It is difficult to think through their perspective. Imagining myself slaughtering young children with a machete in my hand while they scream and plead "I promise I won't be Tutsi anymore!"  It is almost like the Hutu have been taken from their bodies and their souls have left reality. This was the same thing I heard last night while I was hiding. The moans and screams of the women and the mens desperate attempts to fight back. The Hutu Power Radio station ringing in my ear about "squashing the infestation." I can still hear the cries and yells. It won't go away and it never will.

-Tharcisse Mukama